Norm Macdonald Had a Secret
A video about Norm, his incident in Iowa, his philosophies, and the things he kept quiet. I tried to communicate what I enjoy about Norm into this. Hopefully I didn t misrepresent any of his thoughts or events, just trying to spread Norm far and wide and add to all the awesome content out there, and hopefully introduce more people to him. Thanks for watching and thanks to r, NormMacdonald which led me to many useful links, articles, clips. Apologies if you experience incessant ads, a music label is controlling this entire video for a 15s song clip I used. Learned my lesson. Revisions: On graduating at 14someone brought up a good point I didnt put together. Norm used to lie about his age haha so its possible graduating at 14 was just a confusion with his actual birthdate. Hard to find anything on this. I saw somewhere else that he reportedly skipped the last two years of HS (and Norm would always lie and tell people he dropped out. ) Its possible Regis was genuinely c