Rokazer Nekkar
Rokazer lands on Colorize with Nekkar, Just A Feeling, Lion Stream, Buy: Listen to our Latest Releases: Parisian Producer Rokazer returns to Colorize to dispense the nectar of French progressive house with three breathtaking records for your listening pleasure. Nekkar is all bite, all bark as Rokazer s rugged rhythms and eerie, dark textures worm their way into the brain and push us to the dancefloor. In hot pursuit, Just A Feeling drips with freak sauce, its hurricaneforce basslines, sprinting loops, and sharp percussive flares intoxicating listeners from the groundup. Rounding out the release, Lion carves a captivating contrast; twinkling lead synths produce infectious transcendence before Rokazer s typically hardhitting approach returns to create a roaring finish Join us on Discord: Listen to our 24, 7 YouTube radio: Connect with Colorize: Visit the Colorize Store: Follow our curated playlists on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer: Deep, Progressive Melodic House: , Colorize, Rokazer