Grim is The Most USELESS Operator in Rainbow Six Siege
Twitter: Twitch: Instagram: Discord: Editor: 2nd Channel: Intro: bbno bad girl ft. bains prod. lentra Video Link: Outro: Yung Gravy bbno Rotisserie (prod. downtime) Video Link: Mouse Sensitivity: 400 dpi 9 vertical 9 horizontal 65 ADS 1. 0x: 45 1. 5x: 52 2. 0x: 59 2. 5x: 65 3. 0x: 70 4. 0x: 87 5. 0x: 98 114 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Mouse: Logitech GPro Wireless 00:00 intro 00:25 boring gameplay 09:42 grim sucks and is useless , Rainbow6, RainbowSixSiege, Skittlz