Old Slavic tradional song ( Z O R I U S Z K A )
, Slavicmusic, SlovjanskaUnija ,SlovjanskoBratstvo ,Slavia , Славия, Slavija, Sławia, Slavicworld , , Slavicculture, Slavs, SlavicBrotherhood, Slavicunity, Slavicfamily, Slavicunion, Slavicculture, Slavictradition Zoriuszka is one of the oldest Slavic songs, originating from the From the heritage of the Eastern Slavs. It is interpreted as a ritual song that was sung in the early morning hours on the bride and groom s wedding day. The video loosely alludes to the fact that the song has its genesis in the worship of the goddess Aurora, which was common in Slavia. She is known in Slavic folklore