How to make a paper Pokemon Charizard (or an orange dragon with wings). 3 D origami tutorial
(We need: 523 orange, 111 yellow, 8 bright yellow, 90 blue, 7 red, 12 white pieces 1, 32 and glue) Let me show you how to make a paper Pokemon Charizard (or an orange dragon with wings) in the art 3D origami. Charizard is a dualtype Fire, Flying Pokémon. Also Charizard reminds fantasy fiery dragon. You can make Charizard your own hands. Charizard is the author s work Oksana Vershigora. We need to assemble Pokémon (dragon) 751 pieces size of 1, 32. Charizards height is 20 cm. Charizards width is 25. 5 cm. How to make the pieces 1, 32 see here: 0:26 1st row collect up the short side, others collect long 1st row make 7 yellow, 15 orange 2nd row make 6 yellow, 16 orange 3rd row make 7 yellow, 15 orange 4th row is 6 yellow, the rest are orange Making the barrel with yellow breast. And 4 times (7, 6 yellow). Then 5, 4, 3 yellow and 1 row from orange Making a row of 15 orange. Almost all the pieces