Incredible Drum Trio with Raquy on Darbuka
Raquy Danziger perfoms and incredible drum jam on darbuka (doumbek) with Ariel Hyatt Rami El Aasser at the World Beat 101 studio. Find out more about FREE online percussion classes at: Do you like drumming Raquy s beginner course Ultimate Beginner s Guide to Darbuka is live Please drop any questions that you have about drumming and percussion into the comments, and we will do our best to answer for you :) Find us on Facebook: Welcome to World Beat where you can learn to play with the world s best instructors Courses in African percussion djembe, bass drums, balafon more. World Beat 101 is a resource for anyone interested in rhythms and music from around the globe. You can improve your knowledge and playing skills anywhere, anytime with online video lessons and detailed course notes from our expert instructors. Look out for n