Lovejoy s 1st red carpet interview ( Rolling Stone UK Awards)
Support Lovejoy Lovejoy s new single, Normal People Things is out not NOW Are You Alright and Pebble Brain are their first 2 EP s, and their newest EP is Wake Up It s Over which contains the hit single Call Me What You Like as well as other songs like Scum and Portrait of a Blank Slate They ve also released a cover of Knee Deep at ATP by Los Campesinos , Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy by Crywank, and The Perfect Pair by beabadoobee Website: Mailing List: Spotify: Youtube: Apple Music: TikTok: Ash Kabosu (bassist, dad guitar, NO LONGER AN EXVLOGGER) Joe Goldsmith (lead mum guitar, wake up it s Joever) Mark Boardman (drummer, cat dad, quit vaping x20) Wilbur Soot, Will Gold (lead singer, rhythm guitar, egg dad)