This MP5 is Brutal
Airsoft ghillie sniper Kicking Mustang takes on a covert gameplay mission using an MP5 class setup sent to him by his friends at Swit Airsoft. He is wearing the KMCS (Kicking Mustang Concealment System) ghillie suit to remain invisible during this event. He is recording on the new Runcam Scopecam 2. Game is played at West Midlands Airsoft The FOB, UK MP5 from SWIT Airsoft. FOLLOW KICKINGMUSTANG: Facebook: Instagram: Kickingmustang Twitter: Kickingmustang About Kicking Mustang: Welcome to my YouTube channel where I share my sneaky gameplay, ghillie suit crafting, Marui MK23 socom action and tech. I also show cheaters in my scopecam. Kicking Mustang s cameras: Runcam 2, Gopro Hero Session.