SLYTHERIN Common Room + Dorms Full Tour Hogwarts Legacy PS5
Hogwarts Legacy on PS5 in Performance settings For some reason, whenever I switch the settings to Fidelity and Fidelity with Ray Tracing, it looks really bad. The highest setting I can choose is Performance. I may need to look into what settings I need to tweak on PS5 and monitor to make ray tracing work. But, hopefully this video still makes the game look nice enough ALSO, this is a reupload. I had to rerecord the whole thing using my Elgato to get better quality videos. The first video I recorded and uploaded was recorded straight through the PS5 recording feature, which is not great. Also, I had to lower the brightness of my game settings to now blow out any light. I always play on higher brightness coz I have poor vision lol ANYWAY, I hope you still give this one a watch and enjoy the video My socials: Twitter: Gaming IG: Discord Server: , hogwartslegacy