The Journey of Hu Tao, Animation
, anime, ,genshinimpact, hutao, hutaogenshinimpact The Journey of Hu Tao cover topic At first glance, Hu Tao appears to be a quirky and cheerful girl. She enjoys pranking people and despises sitting around and doing nothing, as she wishes to live her life to the fullest. Her eccentric and offthewall personality often leaves people with a negative impression of her, especially Qiqi, who states that she has a punchable face and should be stored in the fridge. On the other hand, when handling funerals and last rites, she becomes more solemn and constantly reminds her employees to never deviate from the client s requests. Due to the importance and traditions of the parlor s duties, Hu Tao accepts death as a natural part of life and tells others to enjoy their short lives. She also loathes those who try to prolong their natural lifespan, such as Baizhu. She also appears to show a lack of interest in her Pyro Vision. Business Email umang