I Was a Mermaid and Now Im a Pop Star Rachel Bloom
This is what would happen if The Little Mermaid got discovered by a record producer for her singing voice and became a complete asshole. BUY RACHEL S ALBUM: BUY TSHIRTS: Music and Lyrics: Rachel Bloom Director: NIck Weiss Cinematographer: Paul Rondeau Editor: Patrick Sheffield Song Producer: Ethan Carlson Starring: Rachel Bloom Additional singers: Matt Lourtie and Eileen O Donnell Featuring: Doug Mand, Clark Perry and Brad Potts Club Dancers: Rebecca DelgadoSmith, Chris Smith, Julia Fong, Laura Levin, Ryan Lower, Ali Stroker, Bryana Servedio, Karen Costello, Dillon MagrannWells, Paul Mikesell, Chris Bramante, Logan Ludwig and Rob Trump Merpeople: Eileen O Donnell, Brent Ingelman, Brendan Naylor, Greg Burke and Kristen Rozanski Makeup: Rachel Olson Art: Matt Allamon Mermaid tail: Thomas Shouse Website: