The Witches Cat: Sonica Ellis
, thewitchescat, halloweenstories, 13talesofhalloween The Witch s Cat Written By: Sonica Ellis Illustrated By: Harriet Rodis Published date:October 31, 2019 Synopsis: Little Pepper was no ordinary cat but the blackest cat youd ever meet. Pepper finds it really hard to make friends. Is it because of how she looks the black cat curse Or is it because shes a witchs cat Read along to find out more. Where to purchase, download book: Remember to Support our Authors by buying or downloading their books to have for your personal book collection Intro Footage: Artist :beachfront Website: Music Credit: Unsure Jay Man OurMusicBox Spirit Seed Artist: Jon Björk Flight of the Pixies Artist: Jon Björk Follow, Contact me: Email: (Business Inquiries) Twitter: