Inside the brains of psychopaths, Kevin Dutton, James Fallon, Michael Stone, Big Think
Inside the brains of psychopaths Watch the newest video from Big Think: Learn skills from the world s top minds at Big Think Edge: How are the brains of psychopaths wired differently In this video, psychologist Kevin Dutton, neuroscientist (and psychopath himself) James Fallon, and professor of psychiatry Michael Stone take the wiring apart. In neurotypical people, the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex inhibit one another to allow for reasonable, moral decisionmaking. Psychopaths don t have that mechanism. Up to 80 of who a psychopath will turn out to be is down to environment. Intelligence, natural aggressiveness, and your family and friends determine whether a psychopath will grow up to make a killing or just make a killing in the market, as a famous headline once said.