8 CRAZY reasons why we live in Brazil The TRUTH from Americans 2022
Number 7 is life changing The question almost every single Brazilian asks us is What are you doing here In this video we will be answering this question. 1. Brazil is the most beautiful country in the world. 2. Brazilian people are wonderful. 3. Kids are bilingual. Research shows that learning a second language boosts problemsolving, criticalthinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask. Children proficient in other languages also show signs of enhanced creativity and mental flexibility. 4 Free public healthcare. 5. Cost of living. 6. Exposing our children to a new culture. 7. Its affordable to have a maid. 8. Lots of opportunity for business. This is why we love Brazil and continue to live here. We could go back to the states anytime. We choose to live here because we have a great life with a lot of unique experiences and opportunities. Follow us on