KENYA, UGANDA: War Effort in Railway Workshops (1943)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Africa: War Effort In KenyaUganda Railway Workshops Full Description: AFRICA; Kenya, Uganda INT LV Hindus working on machines in factory. SV Hindu working on oxyacetylene burner. CU oxyacetylene burner at work on metal. CU oxyacethlene burner at work on metal. SV native at work on lather. CU lathe. SV hauling piece of whitehot metal out of furnace. SV large hammer hammering piece of White hot metal into different shape. SSV large hammer hammering piece of whitehot metal into shape. SV hammer striking piece of hot metal. SV int. furnace. SV large furnace. SBV Indians at work on drawing board. CU Indian in turban. SV black smiths shop. LV int. factory work in progress. LV Indians working on rail petrol tank. SV top view petrol tank practically completed. LV work in factory in progress. SV two men wheeling truck of shells out of factory. SV same scene into camera. S