Keeping The Buts Out Of Butter (1930)
Butter making an informative film for C, U of 11 bottles of milk. Dissolve into C, U of a pat of butter. A modern creamery is something between a laboratory and a factory. A sample is taken from each can of cream L, S of place where lots of milk churns stand on the ground. Interior of the dairy samples are taken. In the laboratory tests are made on the milk. M, S of woman laboratory technician testing the milk. C, U of the testing device. Chemical processes make the butterfat in each sample visible. C, U of another woman testing the milk. C, U of measuring process. Steam coils heat the cream. C, U of the coils moving through the cream. The cream is then cooled by running it over icecold coils. M, S of the cream running down what looks like venetian blinds. C, U of cream running down the coils. C, U of the cream running off the bottom. The churn room is seen it is very clean. Man screws a pipe onto a machine. Shot of the churns rotating. The churn is opened. C, U o