Touhou MMD X Tom Jerry Solid Serenade 東方 MMD
I don t own anything in the video. The credits go to the respective owners. Cre: AI血色玫瑰 Source: Solid Serenade (1946) Production Directed by: William Hanna and Joseph Barbera Story: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera Animation: Ed Barge, Michael Lah, Kenneth Muse Additional Animation: Ray Patterson, Pete Burness Music: Scott Bradley CoProducer: William Hanna Produced by: Fred Quimby Voice Cast Billy Bletcher as Killer (Spike) and Tom (laughing) William Hanna as Tom, Jerry and Toodles Frank Graham as Tom (speaking) Jerry Mann as Tom (speaking; archive recording) Ira Buck Woods as Tom (singing) Louis Jordan Is You Is or Is You Ain t My Baby (1944) sung by Ira Buck Woods