El Ejército Negro de Majno The Black Army of Makhno
The Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Революційна Повстанська Армія України, Revolyutsiyna Povstanska Armiya Ukrayiny), also known as the Black Army, was an anarchist army formed largely of Ukrainian and Crimean peasants and workers under the command of the famous anarchist leader Nestor Makhno during the Russian Civil War. The Black Army numbered between 15, 000 and 110, 000 men and was organized on conventional lines, with infantry, cavalry, and artillery units; artillery batteries were attached to each infantry brigade. Makhnov s cavalry incorporated both regular and irregular horsemounted (guerrilla) forces, and was considered to be among the best trained and most capable of any of the cavalry units deployed by any side in the Russian Civil War.