The Butterfly Effect Trailer
Some people want to forget the past. Some people want to change it. Remember when we were kids and I used to have those blackouts Well, some of those memories have been coming back to me. There are moments in life we choose to remember. Do you think that we will together forever And some memories. Kayleigh We can never forget. On the paper: I ll come back for you. All I know is if I reading this journals I might get Kayleigh back. I d think twice about what you re doing. You could wake up a lot more messed up than you are now. I haven t seen results like these before But what if you could go back in time You are completely relax. Think of it like a movie. You can pause, rewind, or slow down. Could you safe that one person that matters the most Honey, are you alright You Incredible I lost you once and I m not losing you again.