Баланс Позитивной Энергии Чакр, Oчищение Hегативной Энергии, Исцеление Bсех 7 Чакр, Oчищение Aуры Chakra Balancing Positive Energy, Cleanse Negative Energy, All 7 Chakras Healing, Aura Cleansing
Chakra Balancing, Cleanse Negative Energy, All 7 Chakras Healing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Healing, Unblock All 7 Chakras, Full Body Energy Cleanse, Aura Cleanse. This is a special series. Our team has been dedicated to it for a long time. We made use of all the experience and passion we have for healing music. We only used Tibetan Bowls tuned to solfeggio frequencies, taking care of all the harmonics in detail, to give you a deep immersive experience for your meditations. If you wear headphones or earphones, use a moderate volume. Let us know your impressions in the comments. This music is made to balance all 7 chakras. It consists of 7 pieces, one for each chakra, lasting 10 minutes each. You can use this track for a long meditation to rebalance all the chakras. Namaste 00:00:00 Root Chakra 00:10:00 Sacral Chakra 00:20:00 Solar Plexus Chakra 00:30:00 Heart Chakra 00:40:00 Throat Chakra 00:50:00 Third Eye Chakra 01:00:00 Crown Chakra Subscribe and br, br,