Ministers Spring Meeting In The Hague (1964)
Holland. LV. Exterior of the Kings Hall. MS. Guard of Honour Presents arms. MS. Mr. Schroeder of Germany enters. MS. Mr. Couve de Murville of France who is followed by Mr. Saragat of Italy, GV. Ministers gathered inside large Kings Hall. MS. Mr. A H Luns of the Netherlands making opening speech. VS. Of the ministers and other dignitaries, including Mr. R A Butler Conservative Foreign Secretary. VS. Mr. Dean Rusk US Secretary of State addressing the meeting. SOF. VS. Of meeting listening and applauding with shots of Mr. Feridun Cemal Erkin of Turkey. Mr. Paul Spaak of Belgium, Mr. Paul Martin the Canadian Foreign Minister Mr. Kostopoulos of Greenland and Mr. Tostheinsson of Iceland VS. Mr. Strikker the Secretary General of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation making his speech. VS. Everyone applauds and stands up. GV. Exterior of Princess Juliana Barracks where the actual intimate conference will take place. VS. All the ministers gathered around conference table. MV. Line of flags outs