Jerry The Troublesome Tyke Weight And See (1926)
Animation featuring Jerry the Troublesome Tyke a cartoon dog. A production. A poster advertises the first appearance of Jerry on the stage in a production called Tiny The Lump of The theatre is the Empire. C, U of a real hand placed on a piece of paper. Through a camera dissolve a pen appears in the hand. The artist begins to draw shapes on the paper which eventually turn out to be Jerry riding on the back of an elephant through the countryside. Jerry and the elephant arrive at the stage door. Jerry slides down the elephant s trunk and into a dressing room. A woman s legs can be seen protruding from a screen. Jerry notices the legs and grins at the audience. He behaves in a very coy fashion, hiding behind his hands and rubbing his foot on his leg. He goes back outside the the elephant and tells him to go inside. The elephant looks scared but tries to go in. He is too fat so Jerry tries to push him through the door. He then notices a delivery truck. He asks the dri