The Marauders Era, YOUTH ( Bellsilili)
And if you re in love, then you are the lucky one. Once again, I had the absolute pleasure of making a video with Bellsilili It s been overdue, that s for sure, and of course, we really pushed the deadlines to the limit. But we got it done (5 collab attempts As always, she made the most AMAZING parts and manips (including the amazing Lily Evans one in the thumbnail) and it s such an honour to be able to edit alongside her. Until the next time Subscribe to Lili if you haven t already FANCAST: James Potter Aaron Taylor Johnson Sirius Black Ben Barnes Remus Lupin Andrew Garfield Peter Pettigrew Jamie Bell Lily Evans Sophie Skelton Marlene McKinnon Alicia Vikander Mary Macdonald Lily Collins Alice Longbottom Carrie Mulligan Frank Longbottom Jim Sturgess Dorcas Meadowes Maisie RichardsonSellers Emmeline Vance