Craft Your Own Garden: Hand Embroidery Flower Designs Tutorial for Beginners
Beautiful Brazilian Hand Embroidery Flower Design Tutorial for Beginners, Hand Embroidery Designs, Embroidery Designs, Embroidery design Hand work , Embroidery For Beginners, Haath ki Kadhai by threadskalakari Please watch the full video and Like Subscribe, Share Chapters: 0:00 Hand embroidery designs 0:12 Satin Stitch 0:40 Fly stitch 2:30 Split Stitch embroidery 1:44 Lazy Daisy Stitch 2:25 brazilian embroidery designs flowers 6:35 french knot stitch how to do brazilian embroidery stitches Brazilian embroidery, also known as ponto cruz, is a type of needlepoint that uses precut thread and a counted crossstitch technique to create colorful designs on fabric. Here are the basic steps to do Brazilian embroidery: 1. Choose a pattern and transfer it to your fabric. This can be done by tracing the design onto the fabric with a light box or by using a watersoluble pen. 2. Thread a needle with a pr