Zizek: I am totally against authenticity because it presupposes that there is some deeper identity
I am totally against authenticity because it presupposes that there is some deeper identity, the lesson of psychoanalysis is to confront briefly the horror of your split subjectivity so that then you acquire distance from Jagoda Marinic interviews Zizek. Who is Slavoj Zizek For some the most dangerous philosopher in the West, for others the most famous person from Slovenia after Melania Trump. Is Slavoj Zizek even Slavoj Zizek Or is he as he claims of all of us just an actor portraying a certain image of himself In any case, Slavoj Zizek is a pop star. Because he still questions capitalism. Because he has an almost romantic view of love. Because he radically thinks the teachings of psychoanalysis through to the end. His new book has just been published: SurplusEnjoyment. A Guide for the NonPerplexed. Visiting the FREIHEIT DELUXE studio, Slavoj Zizek experiences a SlovenianCroatian homecoming. Together, Jagoda Marinic and Slavoj Zizek go in search of the true Balkans