The Forest Nikon D3300 Short Film by Felix Lyhs
THE FOREST is a short film based on the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. Tim Kellner inspired me to do this film. Check him out, he makes incredible films. I wanted to do my own approach to capturing the mood of the forest. The Cinematography of Arrival by Bradford Young and The Revenant by Emmanuel Lubeski inspired me to get this look. I wanna get more into screenwriting, so expect a film with a real script soon. Tell me what you think of the film in the comments WATCH IT ON VIMEO for better quality: Director: Felix Lyhs Director of Photography, Cinematography: Felix Lyhs Editor, Colorist: Felix Lyhs Read by: Robert Frost Poem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Special Thanks to Tim Kellner and Sebastian Woeber Equipment Used Camera: Nikon D3300