Iris Van Herpen Voltage
Press agent Karim Ben Geloun Consultancy Leila Smara Tristan Godefroy Choreography Kim Vos Music director Salvador Breed General Manager Bradly Klerks Material collaboration with Philip Beesley Materialise 3D printing with architect Julia Koerner and Materialise 3D printing collaboration Neri Oxman Keren Oxman Show production Mathieu Gallix Hawk Beaver Production Casting Director Piergiorgio Del Moro Streeters Chef Hair Odile Gilbert L Atelier 68 Chef Makeup Inge Gronard Jed Root assistance Elke Willemen Lif Theys Frontstage Photographer Michel Zoeter Photographer Ronald Stoops Backstage Photographer Boy Kortekaas Tesla Coil installation Carlos van Camp Model Tesla Coil Natalja Heybroek Choreographers Tesla Coil Pieter de Ruiter Eva Villanueva Clutches in collaboration with Heaven Tanudiredja Accessory in collaboration with Isaie Bloch Shoes in collaboration with Un