Back With The Cup Aka Newcastle United (1952)
Newcastle United return home with the FA cup. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear. GV. Train entering Newcastle Station (first 7 for super. ) SV. Crowd watching in station. SCU. Mayor greeting Joe Harvey with Cup. GV. Packed Newcastle streets. SV. Newcastle team on top of coach going through crowded streets. GV. Newcastle football team on top of coach going through crowded streets. Harvey with Cup, Jackie Milburn waving. SV. Paper being showered from windows. SV. Paper being showered from windows, pan down to coach. SV. CU. Crowd marching at side of coach. SV. Coach entering Newcastle ground (St. James Park). SV. Packed Newcastle ground cheering. LV. Harvey and team parading with Cup. SV. Harvey showing Cup to crowd. SV. Crowd cheering. SV. Harvey and team mates going into Stand. GV. Packed ground looking up at Stand. SV. Joe Harvey at microphone, leadin for voice. SV. Crowd looking up leadin for voice. SV. Joe Harvey saying. CU. Milburn looking at Harvey. CU. Harvey saying. NATURAL SOUND: (Joe