Vitoria Gasteiz European Green Capital 2012
VitoriaGasteiz has been declared winner of the European Green Capital Award 2012. Video text in English: VitoriaGasteiz, building the green city of the future together I cultivate an organic vegetable garden in the green belt. I make VitoriaGasteiz green inside TODAY 613 HECTARES OF GREEN BELT. 600, 000 ANNUAL USES A Ramsar wetland area HOME OF THE EUROPEAN MINK AND 17 SPECIES OF WATERFOWL. 210 plots of organic farming land. A sustainable way to prevent flooding TOMOROW 174 MORE HECTARES OF GREEN BELT A botanical garden of Europe s forests 360 plots of organic farming land. I use my bike and public transport. I make VitoriaGasteiz green inside TODAY Sutainable Mobility Plan. New bus network. Two tram lines, 97 kilometres of bicycle lanes, 30 km of pedestrian streets, 5, 500 PR (Park and Ride) lots. TOMORROW 60 new kilometres of bicycle lanes. 71 of public space adapted for pedestrian and bicycle use. 30 OF TRAVEL BY BUS OR br, br,