ELDER GATEWAY MTG Arena , 5 Color Elder Tribal Deck in M19 Standard
1 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn (RIX) 30 2 Plains (RIX) 192 1 Tetzimoc, Primal Death (RIX) 86 2 Swamp (RIX) 194 1 Demonlord Belzenlok (DAR) 86 1 Etali, Primal Storm (RIX) 100 2 Mountain (RIX) 195 1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger (RIX) 130 5 Forest (RIX) 196 1 Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire (M19) 225 2 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager (M19) 218 2 Island (RIX) 193 1 Zacama, Primal Calamity (RIX) 174 1 Chromium, the Mutable (M19) 214 1 Nezahal, Primal Tide (RIX) 45 3 Thran Temporal Gateway (DAR) 233 4 Gift of Paradise (AKH) 167 4 Llanowar Elves (DAR) 168 2 Metallic Mimic (AER) 164 4 Drover of the Mighty (XLN) 187 2 Channeler Initiate (AKH) 160 2 Dragon s Hoard (M19) 232 1 PalladiaMors, the Ruiner (M19) 219 2 Heroic Intervention (AER) 109 1 Lifecrafter s Bestiary (AER) 162 1 Blooming Marsh (KLD) 243 1 Botanical Sanctum (KLD) 244 4 Unclaimed Territory (XLN) 258 2 Rupture Spire (M19) 255 1 Rootbound Crag (XLN) 256 1 Sheltered Thicket (AKH) 248