swallow the moon MORNING SUPERSTAR (official)
, sludge, stonerdoommetal vocals and lyrics Luke Strike Lucas Galliano author of riffs and rhythm and bass guitar+ drums Max Rudenko lead guitar Wal Ian Wallace , metalmonday, crankitup, DoomMetal, DoomstonerMetal Hello listener, please dont compare our band with the famous and big ones swallow the sun. We are not trying to be a copy of them, and we do not engage in plagearism The thing is that when I named our band, I didnt know about the STS group. I had never listened to or played doom or metal before, I was a punkrock musician, and for a long time I only listened to old punk and rock from the 90s and older, the fact is that I used heroin for a long time and was not interested in anything new. In short, please do not write that we are repeating after someone. I wont change the name, I like it, although (RIGOR MORT