Diana Bastet Dark Fusion Dance. Therion O Fortuna
Tribute to my own fortuna in recent times in my life. . This is Latin poem by artists (vagantes) from XIII century with unique music by composer Carl Orff. And now it s sang by swedish symphonic metal band Love it. So much. Special thanks for making this video to my amazing camerawoman Jane Diden. She made a great work, although it was so cold and scary, in a deep forest, in a dark night and near the abandoned monastery:) I am happy to work with so talented artistic person, who loves her work and do it very well. Music: Therion O Fortuna, album Deggial, 2000. Dancer: Diana Bastet Facebook: Instagram: Camerawoman and videomaking: Jane Diden Jane s YouTube channel: Jane s Facebook: and Costume: by Diana Baste