Mr. Scott and Mr. Vimy have successful flight to Australia (1919)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. Fairfax Scott and Mr. Vickers Vimy fly to Australia in a biplane Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Winner of 10, 000GBP AUSTRALIA: EXT Aeroplanes 31: Mr. Fairfax Scott Vickers Vimy Machine GBP1000 Flight ᐸ ᐸ Issue911(2) Video Roll Title: Winner of 10, 000: 232ft Issue sheet title: WINNER OF 10, 000. THE VIMYROLLS MACHINE SUCCESSFUL IN THE GREAT 13, 000 MILE FLIGHT TO AUSTRALIA. VICKERS: VickersVimy RollsRoyce machine in GBP10 000 flight peacetime, postwar, interwar, interbellum, biplane, fly, aerials, air views Background: Mr. Fairfax Scott and Mr. Vickers Vimy fly to Australia in a biplane FILM ID: VLVA75DBWAB5F1C3OKXRPPOL3F4MA To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Arch