K POP IN PUBLIC, ONE TAKE New Jeans OMG dance cover by Tough Cookies
, NEWJEANS, NWJNS, OMG, KPOPINPUBLIC Hello everyone This time we decided to create a cover on one of our favorite songs from NEWJEANS OMG We had a lot of fun with this one and hope that you will feel it too while watching If you want to support us, dont forget to leave a like and a comment. Also, feel free to write sensible criticism. FOLLOW US: toughcookiescdt VK: TWITTER: TIKTOK: OUR DANCERS: MINJI Remy (remycrush) HYEIN Dae (songmaeri) HANNI Ayan (hatarayan) HAERIN Yanan (nastyaseleznyova) DANIELLE Chuu (chuuyang) За съёмку фото и видео большое спасибо: imfinerina