Snake Eater Big Band Version ft. Tiffany Mann ( The 8 Bit Big Band)
The INCREDIBLE Tiffany Mann lends her immense vocal talent on our take on the highly requested Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 An incredible tribute to all things James Bond, I was thrilled to give this legendary piece of video game music the sexy jazz orchestra treatment it deserves The animation style is inspired by the idea that Metal Gear Solid would have made an awesome 16 bit style Metal Slug side scrolling shooter game Hope you enjoy Also just to say it, this video was recorded about a year and a half ago well before the age of COVID So no worries about safety MAY 1ST 2021 FULL ORCH LIVE STREAM CONCERT FROM SONY HALL NYC GRAB YOUR TICKETS HERE: Lots of new videos coming your way so be sure to like and subscribe Follow The 8Bit Big Band on social for behind the scenes video and updates on new stuff Instagram Twitter THIS AR