Day After Day, White Ribbon PSA
TRIGGER WARNING: Violence and abuse Day After Day, a public service announcement for White Ribbon by Oscarnominated director Hubert Davis, speaks directly to men who are using, or at risk of using, genderbased violence as a response to the stresses of the COVID19 pandemic. The PSA reflects the truth of the COVID19 pandemic: Between March and October 2020, as households adjusted to stayathome orders across the country, calls to police about domestic disputes increased 8. 2 per cent, according to Statistics Canada. Helplines witnessed an alarming increase almost immediately: In British Columbia, The Battered Womens Support Services saw a 400 per cent increase in AprilMay 2020; and in Ontario, The Assaulted Womens Helpline reported a 400 per cent increase in April 2020. Research by the Ontario Association of Interval Transition Houses Research has shown a yearoveryear increase in femicide (from January to May 2020 to January to May 2021. ) As the worlds largest movement of