, TCJHalfUpStyle, DutchBraid, EasyHairstyle Two different hairstyles that we prepared for next weeks dancing show I hope all the mothers that are going to do their daughters hair will be able to follow this ; ) We did first a double Dutch braid style and then the easier elastic and 3 strand braid version. Hope you like it Para las mamas que van a peinar sus hijas el domingo que viene para el show de la Academy DANCECOR hemos preparado este vídeo con dos peinados diferentes. El primer peinado es para todas que saben trenzar y el segundo para las madres que prefieren algo más fácil pero igual de bonito Espero que os guste If you like his video please give us a THUMBS UP If you are new here, please like and subscribe to our channel Hugs and kisses, Jessica TIME STAMPS 0:00 Intro 00:50 STYLE 1 05:35 FINAL SPINT 1 06:00 STYLE 2 10:30 FINAL SPINT 2 JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP FOR BRAIDLOVERS Find me on INSTAGRAM trencitajohnson