Facts About Pakistan Development Natural Resources
Pakistan s development depends on government attention. Undoubtedly, Pakistan has immense natural resources for development. Nature has blessed Pakistan with every blessing. We have all these things and we are a talented working nation, But still our economic situation is deteriorating and as a whole we and our country are in need of foreign aid. Due to the energy crisis we are experiencing load shedding, our sources of income and employment are shrinking, the result is widespread frustration among the people. These are real facts about Pakistan development and natural resources. There are innumerable resources for development in Pakistan. Best geographical location, four seasons, land next to gold, mineral deposits, cheap energy resources and what is not in Pakistan that a country needs to develop. We are using natural resources indiscriminately without any planning. We have reduced our thinking and hard work for tomorrow, instead our focus is only on today. Apart from oil, petroleum and gas reserv