The Death of Gwen Stacy and the Redemption of the Amazing Spider Man, First Time Reactions
One of the things that fascinates me about reaction videos are their ability to bring out emotion in me. Somehow, watching their experience transfers their emotions into my mind and it s almost like I m them. If you think about it, it s like superpower, really. I think it s empathy. And, as always, support the hard working first time watchers of the world. ItsTotallyCody jessaandalexwatch BRIDGECO1 JustLucinda HowstheParty fictionaldarling MaryCherryOfficial ItsAPrimatee ScreenSlurp MagicMagy TheHomiesReact with Ellie, Viki, and Mich whitenoisereacts domie and her buddy Thor thorreacts6394 with his buddy Domi Want to buy me a cup of coffee Thanks, I appreciate it , reactionmashup , firsttimereaction , firsttimewatching , theamazingspiderman2 , gwenstacy