Building A REBIRTH 338 Controller 90s Computer Music Re imagined
THE REBIRTH 338 CONTROLLER if you d like to see more videos on this project, livestreams and more support here : or you can use the super thanks button below the video it also makes THISMUSEUMISNOTOBSOLETE get bigger and better. :) shoutout to Hainbach and Yuri NotesAndVolts midi controller project : List of Components, Gear, Electronics I USE : Sega Megadrive Synth : THANKUS HUMUNGOUSO to : Markku Rontu Jason Kostempski TheTechromancer Darren Mackay DeltaByte Steve Jones Paul F Cameron Luteraan Ryan Holtz CrazyRocketGuy Ande Spenser Arnix TBone Vaz Daqui Dai Stanton Eric Painter Jason Kuehl Aaron Ritter Mark Flanagan David Boudreau Claudio DaddyFabianskii Roland G. McIntosh Broc jd Invalid Number casey Scott Armstrong CoFFeeTaBLesE Joe Pino David Dolphin Matt Followell (PDP7) Miles Flavel if you want to donate to the electronic component fund Paypal : SPOTIFY : Facebook : Website : Instagram : , repair, synthesizer, history