Alexander Griboedov Waltz in e minor
Griboedov unfortunately only got 34 years old. He lived from 1795 to 1829, at the time of Beethoven. Typical for great people of that time, he was not only a composer but also a Russian diplomat, playwright and poet. I already played this piece long time ago, but at a rather strange speed and I felt like this is a good time to play it again, with a more adequate waltz feeling. He was Russia s ambassador to Qajar Persia, where he and all the embassy staff were massacred by an angry mob as a result of the rampant antiRussian sentiment that existed through Russia s imposing of the Treaty of Gulistan (1813) and Treaty of Turkmenchay (1828), which had forcefully ratified for Persia s ceding of its northern territories comprising Transcaucasia and parts of the North Caucasus. Griboyedov had played a pivotal role in the ratification of the latter treaty.