A Sweet Surprise Of Chanting Om Namah Shivay with British Yoga Health
Shiva is that nothingness, the dark empty void of space, from which all creation the stars, planets, galaxies, mountains, oceans, all living beings, etc. manifests and into which all creation disintegrates. Shiva is not a person but is a principle. It is called the Shiva Tattva, which is an allpervading consciousness that fills up this nothingness. The five elements are the building blocks of everything in Creation, including the human body, and Lord Shiva is the master of these five elements. Whereas Om is the sound of the universe. Om means peace and love. So the Om Namah Shivaya chanting is done to harmonize the five elements in the environment. When there is peace, love and harmony in all the five elements, then there is bliss and there is joy not just within you, but also around you. Shiva means that which is innocent, benevolent, beautiful, transcendental, and absolute. There is a certain correlation between the five elements, seven layers of our being, and our consciousness. Sh