Florida Storms Pandemic Forces Mother To LEAVE Her Home
Florida Storms And Pandemic Forces A Elderly Mother To Leave Her Home This beautiful Florida home has sat unoccupied for the past 5 yrs due weather damage. The owner lived here happily with her family and had no intentions on having to leave her lovely home. With a nice wooden fence wrapped around the entire property and a pool with a tropical garden surrounding it. This is the definition of a Florida paradise Once upon a time a family spent amazing summers here with each other smiling and relaxing in the sun. Now there s just nothing. Nothing but overgrown grass and a bad sight to see. We worked here on this property last year but we weren t filled in on these details regarding the mother until a couple weeks ago when we cut the fence line. The neighbor kindly approached me to thank me for my service and gave us a little background story on the owner and her condition. The roof of the home was damaged and after a few storms mold began to spread throughout the home. The owner deal with the