The simplest definition YOU need OBSTREPEROUS, tellsvidetionary
Word of The Day 2 June 2023 Obstreperous. Start learning English now Learn English quickly easily with Easy English 1s Method English can be a very tricky language, not sure how to say espresso, mischievous, lingerie, data, or affidavit Get this handy eBook NOW 181+ Commonly Mispronounced English Words. No one likes getting corrected. Avoid embarrassing mistakes by articulating them right the first time. Click on the link NOW and stop mispronouncing or Are you having difficulties understanding English words Confusedabout how to use words in a sentence Or just want to refresh your English Then check out our Videtionary now video dictionary and get the meanings of numerous words in our daily collection In TELLS Videtionary we pick a new English word every day, provide the correct spelling of the word tell you how