Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall ( PMV)
UPDATE: Special thanks go to Sethisto and the guys at Equestria Daily for featuring this video in one of their posts. You guys are awesome After seeing all the amazing PMV s on YouTube, I decided to take a crack at the whip. It s not perfect, but I was quite happy with the outcome of this video, so I do hope you enjoy it. I may do more PMV s in the future, depending on the reaction to this one. Also, this is my first time using Sony Vegas, so the editing is at a basic level at the moment. Over time, the quality should improve :) Music: Coldplay Teardrop Is a Waterfall I do not own anything within this video. The My Little Pony franchise belongs to Hasbro Inc. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned and produced by The Hub network. Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall is performed by Coldplay and is owned by EMI Music. I do not intend to profit from this video, and will only be used