12mm Rivoli Cage, WTFU
I don t know why 12mm Rivoli crystals gave me so much trouble with beading cages for them, but they did. Fortunately I finally figured out a nice beaded configuration for these tiny, round crystal components. I hope you find this enjoyable and informative. :) Used in this video: 12 mm Rivoli crystal in crystal ab. 11, 0 Delicas (silver lined lime yellow) 15, 0 rounds (duracoat 154211) 5mm jump rings Leverback earring findings and light silver chain Size 12 sharp beading needle 6lb Fireline No autographs, please. 248 726 1078 , WTFU Fix this problem, Youtube. Become part of the enlightened world instead of a 3rd world dictatorship. , Leonard French thanks for your excellent overview of this widespread problem of copyfraud.