Sonja Venturi con Dana Gillespie A
dal cd Son Ladina (e no l saeve) di Sonja Venturi Dedicated to Domenico Chiocchetti Goti Painter, husband, father, hero of the World War who realized and painted a beautiful Church in his Prisoner Camp at the Orkney Islands in Scotland which is now a Sacred Monument. Lyrics english version: The other night I was thinking of now that you are reunited with your wife and really I was thinking that it is all beautiful what you have left behind. I think of your hand which was giving colour to the Sun and I feel the vibration from the voice of your Soul I think of that little light which makes you avoid to curse the darkness and I imagine people praying where you have been afraid. And I tell and I tell And again I think that in your house poetry was the lunch and music was the dinner I am sure that in this, which I call today you take the clouds and with Maria you fly and I tell and I tell you thank you, 33