Watch in 1080p HD Ahh it s finally done I don t know why this particular edit took me so long but I m so glad it s finished. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Aaragorn and for the longest time I ve wanted to make a fitting tribute for him and well, here you go I started off hating this video but now I m actually happy with it, there s a good mix of slow and fast paced editing here and I like how it came out in the end, even though I changed the colouring like 10 times. Big up for Jae Holics for providing me with audio since my LOTR rips have none, sad times. Let me know your thoughts, always love to hear feedback , aragorn, lotredit, lotrfanvideo Song: Here comes the King Artist: Xray Dog Footage: Lord of the Rings trilogy Program: Sony vegas pro 14