Fake ITALIAN FOOD Made Like an Italian ( New Series Trailer)
Italian Food in Italy is romantic, unique, tasty, fresh and most importantly a sensational culinary experience. My favourite part about Italian food is that it changes from city to city and from region to region. Unfortunately ALOT of very popular Italian dishes around the world are fake. For decades Commercial Italian restaurants have been selling fake italian meals with no love, no passion and sometimes even no Italian ingredients NOW ITS ENOUGH. If I m going to accept you eating these fake Italian dishes, I have decided they NEED to be made like an Italian, using Italian flavours and techniques so introducing my latest series: Fake Italian Food Made by an Italian (the RIGHT way ). Dishes like Alfredo Pasta, Spaghetti Meatballs, Chicken Pasta, Meatlovers Pizza or even Pineapple Pizza Yes Pineapple Pizza made like an Italian, and yes I m a bit scared but I m doing it for YOU. In this series I am going to cook the most popular Commercial Fake Italian Dishes and turn them into more quality Italian fo