Fate, Grand Order Avengers vs The Silver Key
The power inside Abigail is running rampant. Can our 5Star Avengers stop her before it s too late Special thanks to LKnightVA LovelyxNeko for lending their voices for Jeanne Alter and Abigail Willaims Please check out their channels and amazing voice work and content here: LKnightVA: LovelyxNeko: Cast: Jeanne Alter: Tara Oswald (LKnightVA) Abigail Willaims: Chloe Cooper (LovelyxNeko) Edmond Dantes: SippyVA Twitter: Facebook: Comic Source Artist: Kofunami Translation: Takeshi22 r, PersonaJXT (Reddit) Typesetter: r, PersonaJXT Video Mixing: SippyVA Halloween End Card: CrookedLore BGM Used: Fate, Grand Order OST Bloodborne OST T